//Beauty Inside and Out Theme

Beauty Inside and Out Theme

Beauty, it’s something that we all seem to be chasing and admiring in others.  Most of us can admit we tend to focus a lot on outer beauty, but it really is important to realize that inner beauty is just as important.  Which is why we decided to spend all week talking about beauty inside and out – because both are amazing and really go hand in hand.

Over 40?  While there’s a stigma around turning 40, all women are fabulous regardless of their age.  However, it is true that experts suggest switching up some of your skincare habits after you pass 40.  Your skin has changed and changing your skin care needs to come along with it.  So we’re sharing some skincare tips for the 40 & fabulous on LionesseGem.com to get you on the right track!

We all put so much pressure on ourselves.  Let’s be honest, it can be pretty difficult to get up and get ready some days when we feel like we have to be perfect all the time.  But what is perfect anyway?  Since we’re all about celebrating beauty inside and out, we must discuss why you should be ok with not being perfect.  Does perfect even exist?  Talk with us on LionesseBeautyBar.net this week.

It seems like for many women, there’s a lot of confidence that comes from their hair.  After all, women do spend quite a bit of time doing their hair and getting it done.  This week on LionesseFlatIron.com, we’re going to share what to eat for beautiful hair.  That’s right, we said what to EAT.  You may be surprised at some of the suggested foods that can give you that gorgeous hair you’ve been wanting all these years.

In a world of selfies and filters on social media platforms, it’s become intimidating to remember what real beauty even is.  It’s a week of beauty inside and out, so we had to chat about real beauty and no filters on Lionesse.org.  We’re going to share some makeup tips to help you feel just as pretty, but forgo the filters – who needs them!

There’s something so feminine and pretty about the color pink.  Most women enjoy wearing and having things that are pink in color.  We thought it would be fun to share some ways for you to make a fashion statement with pink clothing – because why not!  It’s all about pretty in pink this week, you’re not going to want to miss it if you’re a pink kind of girl!

Finally, we had to wrap up with getting real about what it means to be beautiful.  There are so many different factors that go into being beautiful, not just the external!  Pretty heart, pretty mind, pretty soul… all make up actually being beautiful.  While it’s super easy to get caught up in what we look like, let’s not forget about what’s really important!  We’re having a get real discussion about it over on LionesseBeautyBar.org this week – come join us!

By |2016-09-05T12:39:41+00:00September 5th, 2016|Beauty Tips|0 Comments

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